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Weird Wells


After working with customers all over North America we have found that there are some unusual wells out there.  If you live in Michigan or Florida or have a sand point well, a cistern, a well in a pit, a casing less than 6”, no submersible pump, an old well, a well house, an oversized pitless adapter or clearance issues. Please contact us via email, include photos, well drillers report, physical address and any other pertinent information.  Chances are we can provide a pump that will work or other advice that can help.

Sandpoint well

Common in Michigan

If your well has this support bar go to SUPPORT BAR

Common in South

If your well has pipe(s) out of the top go to WELL SEAL

Sandpoint well? go to SP

If your well has a pitless adapter with a cable go to SNAPPY

ag well.JPG
mobile home.png

Do you live in a mobile home?

click on MOBILE


More to come 

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